The White Desert 🤍

During my travels in Norway, I met a most uncanny desert - a snowy desert.
It was my first encounter with such a phenomenon - everywhere I looked, all white, reflecting the sun with such intensity.
As usual, one can rely on the unpredictable mountain weather. From a snowstorm to a bright sunny day, the mountain does not disappoint!
Amid this constant flux, I witnessed the white desert in all its splendor - from its calm temperament to gusty winds.
It was an absolute wonder to witness how the winds transport snow particles like grains of sand, how these same winds cover all tracks, how crystalline shapes form while covering any unevenness in the snow, and how slowly the winds together with snow particles equalize the white desert.
This series depicts the movement of snow particles through photography, to convey this dance of the wind, snow, and the mountain - a “living” white desert!
Dimensions: 8256 x 5504